Raffaella Coppola


A life dedicated to dance, frame drums, and the folk traditions of Southern Italy.

At the age of 5 she started studying classical dance, and since then, she has never stopped dancing. She approached folk dances a few years later, becoming the embodiment of the hug between popular cultures from around the world, with a particular preference and continuous dedication to the popular dances and music of her beloved Southern Italy. She ardently and passionately frequented the elderly bearers of the tradition of the Campanian Tammurriata, the so-called “Ballo ‘ncoppo o’ tamburo”.

She shares the stage with numerous artists including: Ambrogio Sparagna and the Orchestra Popolare, I Tarantolati di Tricarico, Tony Esposito, Maristella Martella, Officina Zoè, Vinicio Capossela, I MusicaStoria, Marcello Colasurdo, Giovanni Imparato, Patrizio Trampetti, La Paranza r’o Lione, La voce della Tradizione di Biagio De Prisco, Kiepò, Nando Citarella and the Tamburi del Vesuvio, La Paranza dell’Agro, Peppe Cirillo and Antiqua Saxa, Michele Pecora, Enzo Avitabile.

In 2012, she founded, together with friends and colleagues with whom she shares lasting and profound bonds, the reality of Sonoratrad, exclusive agent of the PARANZA MEDITERRANEA group, a unique musical and cultural project, thus formalizing an intention of integration and encounter between the leading exponents of popular music from Southern Italy, which emerged already in the early 2000s.

She regularly holds tammurriata workshops in Italy, Europe, and around the world (Yemen, France, Spain, Germany, Austria, China, Portugal, Albania, Belarus).

‘Il Corpo in Ballo’ is her latest creation, a path of evolutionary rebirth through a workshop that combines folk dance and music, classical music, guided relaxation, of which she signs various creations, carried out thanks to the happy and continuous collaboration with the inspired composer Pietro Pisano and the encounter with the visionary artist Vito Ranucci.

Television appearances: Capri 2 RAI fiction, Linea Verde RAI 1, Cristianità RAI INTERNATIONAL, Il sabato del Villaggio – Mediaset, Uno Mattina, Paese mio Rai Tre.

Film appearances: ‘Il Paese dei Coppoloni’ – Il Pumminale by Vinicio Capossela.

Festivals and events: Casa Sanremo 2019, 2020 and 2024; Gran Bal Trad; San Benedetto in Alpe; RenoFolk Festival; Zingaria; Capodanze; Festib’Alzen; Bal des Reves; DanzAmare Folk Festival; Ritmofestival.


Atelier di danza: Sud Italia: Tammuriata dell`Agro Nocerino SarneseVenerdi / 17:30 / Palco 1
Atelier di danza: Sud Italia: Tammuriata dell`Agro Nocerino SarneseVenerdi / 17:30 / Palco 1