Luca Mantello – Didjeridoo


More than 30 years ago he had his first encounter with invisible energy, crossing his path with the sound of the Didjeridoo, an ancient instrument of the Australian Aborigines.

Immediately fascinated by his magic, but still without having discovered its energetic characteristics, he begins to build and sell didjeridoos in bamboo; becoming an expert in its use, he begins to organize seminars to teach its use, combining sound techniques with a particular breathing, called “circular breathing”, which allows to produce a continuous sound over time. More than 20 years ago he reached another milestone in his journey: the encounter with dowsing and dowsing.

Thanks to important teachings, a new door to knowledge and research opens, where the ability to perceive, evaluate and interact with energy becomes an integral part of his work. Here then the sound of the didjeridoo takes on another value and importance.

For several years now he has been applying his experience in the field of music therapy, using this magical tool in “sound massage” treatments.


Atelier musicali: DidjeridooMartedi / 10:30 / Gazebo 3
Mercoledi / 10:30 / Gazebo 2
Sabato / 17:30 / Gazebo 2
Atelier musicali: DidjeridooMartedi / 10:30 / Gazebo 3
Mercoledi / 10:30 / Gazebo 2
Sabato / 17:30 / Gazebo 2