News n° 4 – 29/05/2024

A sea of novelties this year!

We always try to treasure the tips you leave us in the ‘help us improve’ box at the end of the festival!!!
It’s not always possible to follow them all, but this year we really went all out! 🙂
Here are a few new features that will allow us to better experience the Festival:


24-hour bar service!
Water from the tap is back!
– Chips, apple fritters and other novelties!


– No more canteen but a completely reorganised refreshment area with on-site cooking and always fresh food.
– Gofri and sandwich prices unchanged!


– Doubling of camper van services!
Soap dispensers on washbasins!


– A Monday already packed with activities, opening at 11 a.m.
– All while keeping the Festival participation fees unchanged