News n° 2 – 06/05/2024

News n° 2 – 06/05/2024

Here are the 2024 Artists!

We have posted the Artists 2024 page on the website!
We have been working hard to bring truly outstanding artistic offerings to Vialfrè!
Take a look: for each group you’ll find a description, a few photos, and various links to learn more. 
And there’s quite a bit of news, too!

The Grand Bal Trad is a festival to be experienced!

There is certainly no shortage of music, but there is also more! There is contact with nature, the magical atmosphere of the Vialfrè forest and the cheerfulness that has always characterized our extraordinary festival
Stay with us all week long! The Grand Bal Trad is a great vacation!

Open enrollment!

As a reminder, if you join the Association by 24/6 (online or through the associations) you can get a discount, up to about 25% off the festival fee!
Warning. We reserve the right to suspend online registration once we reach the number we believe is optimal to ensure everyone’s peaceful enjoyment of the Festival, so… hurry up!

LA SENTINELLA del canavese 04/03/2024

LA SENTINELLA del canavese 04/03/2024

Gran Bal Trad, sono già centinaia gli iscritti

L’avvicinamento al festival internazionale di musiche folk, Gran Bal Trad, programmato da lunedì 8 a sabato 13 luglio, è già cominciato. Nella prima giornata di apertura delle iscrizioni, anticipata di un mese rispetto agli scorsi anni, sono arrivate centinaia di iscrizioni dall’Italia e dal resto d’Europa…

News n° 1 – 20/02/2024

News n° 1 – 20/02/2024

Registration is now open!!!

Festival Participation fees are differentiated depending on whether you register with the Gran Bal Trad Association in advance (online or through the Associations) or directly at Vialfré.

As always if you register in advance with the Association (by 24/06), paying 20€ now, you will be able to take advantage of a discount, up to about 25%on the Festival Participation fee that you will pay directly at Vialfré.

Warning! We reserve the right to suspend online registration once we reach the number we deem optimal to ensure everyone’s optimal enjoyment of the Festival.
It will still be possible to participate in the Festival by registering directly in Vialfré, paying the full fee.

A Monday that surprises you!

If you arrive on Monday you will find great surprises: entrance to the Festival from 11:00 am instead of 2:30 pm. Possibility of access to the Refreshment Area already at lunch. Start with activities already in the afternoon: a concert, a dance pill, singing around the table, ensemble music workshop. Participation fee including evening concerts 15€.

The new Refreshment Area!

Starting this year, no more cafeteria at GBT, but a renovated Dining Area with on-site cooking and always fresh food! We have come up with a new, more fun and mouth-watering way of serving meals. The area will be set up in islands (the island of first courses, second courses, desserts etc…) and you can take every course or just what you want, paying only what you take!